The medical professionals at Western Neuro are dedicated to providing comprehensive, skilled neurological treatments in Phoenix, Arizona. From your initial appointment to diagnostic testing and treatment, we will communicate with you every step of the way and provide care that is compassionate and informative.
There is a great deal that modern science does not yet know about the brain and nervous system. The neurological system in the human body represents vastly complex and interconnected pathways, making it a challenge to both identify and treat when diseased.
The clinicians at Western Neuro have made it their goal to offer the most advanced non-surgical and neurosurgery treatments in Phoenix in a comfortable and compassionate setting.
Western Neuro offers patients treatment for the following conditions in a patient-centered facility dedicated to each of our patients’ unique circumstances:
• Epilepsy Treatment Program
• Spine Disorder Program
• TIA Clinic
• Stroke and Neurovascular Program
• Movement Disorder Program
• Pain Management Program
• Rehabilitation
• Neuro-Critical Care
The knowledgeable and experienced medical team at Western Neuro provides neurological treatments in Phoenix and the surrounding areas. Call us at (480) 428-3376 to schedule a consultation for treatment of a neurological condition.